Friday 25 May 2018

Feelings, Animals, & GoNoodling, Oh My!

Now that we have wrapped up Arts Night (for the JK-2s at least) for another year, it's time to learn some new songs and dances.

The SKs have been learning songs about feelings this week.
We've sung "If You're Happy and You Know It" but remixed it to include other feelings.
We've danced to "Can't Stop That Feeling" from Trolls and freeze danced to "Happy".
We've learned Raffi's "I'm In the Mood" and the traditional song "You Gotta Sing" and, of course, we added our own lyrics to include what we were in the mood to do.
We've also learned "How Are You" a song that includes sign language. 
We've been looking up and trying to learn signs for different emotions.
We've also been practicing being very expressive and showing the feelings on our faces.
Check out these sad and happy faces!

The JKs have been learning songs about animals this week.
We've learned The Chicken Dance.

We did The Animal Hokey Pokey (here we are putting our antennae in and taking our antennae out  and putting our antennae in and shaking them all about).

And we were Five Green & Speckled Frogs (sitting on our speckled logs and eating our most delicious bugs - Yum Yum!)

We also listened to music inspired by animals.
The Carnival of the Animals by Camille St. Saens features different pieces about different animals. 
We listened to the music and tried to guess which animals it was about based on how it sounded.  Then we listened again and moved to the music like the animals.
In The Aquarium we even had some hungry sharks trying to eat some starfish!

While the JKs were singing about and moving like animals they also met some animals today.  The grade 1s also got to meet some very interesting animals today during their music time.  This week the grade ones completed their top GoNoodle level.  They got to GoNoodle for the entire music class after missing their GoNoodle time to work so hard rehearsing for Arts Night. We're looking forward to learning more new and fun songs on Monday!  

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