Friday 13 October 2017

"I Got Rhythm"

... and Rhythm Instruments, too!

This week we continued working on our Music Journals.  There's been lots of colouring, and cutting, and pasting going on and our Musical Elements pages are coming together quite nicely.

This week we also started talking about Musical Instruments in the Kindergarten classes and had our first try at the Rhythm Instruments (also known as Percussion Instruments - SKs will be learning that new word next week!).  We got to try lots of different instruments.

Ask your child(ren) which one was their favourite and why?

We practiced different dynamics on instruments by playing loudly and softly.

We learned the first verse of a great Canadian folk song, "I'se the B'y" from Newfoundland and practiced keeping the beat with our rhythm instruments while singing. 

Thursday was Farmer Day for the SKs so the SK Musicians worked with Ms. Hayward to remix a Raffi song called "Going to the Zoo" into "Going to the Farm".

In Grade 1 we learned our newest musical element: RHYTHM.  
Rhythm is the pattern of long and short notes within a beat.
Today we learned 1 beat (TA) can be broken into 2 parts (TI-TI), or 4 parts (TIKA-TIKA), and that silence (SHH - what we call a "rest" in music) is just as important when creating rhythms.  Our student conductors helped lead the class musicians in a performance of "Peanut Butter". Everyone had to watch VERY carefully because the conductors could change the dynamics or tempo anytime they wanted.  We also started learning a new song, "Tingalayo" (Ask them to sing it for you!)

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